Snowtown (2011)

Directed by Justin Kurzel


I remember finishing Snowtown the first time and feeling kind of upset and dirty. Very similar to the way I felt when, as a teenager, I watched Faces Of Death alone. It was a morbid, giddy fascination that led me to watching that film, but once it was over I knew I’d seen something I shouldn’t have and wished I could erase it from my memory.

Snowtown feels very real from the start. There are only two professional actors in the bunch (Daniel Henshall and Richard Green), yet instead of quickly trying to mold the first-time actors into something they aren’t, Daniel and Richard followed their lead and modified their own respective styles to match the tone. What results is what feels like a shockingly authentic record of events. You feel less like a person watching a documentary (as they are generally carefully edited and presented to tell a story) and more like a witness. I think it’s due to this that we are able to let go and develop a level of trust very early on in the film that is unmatched in most films.

— B

My rating: 8/10
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